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Annual Report 2013

Net profit of NIS 1,947 million ($561 million) for the Leumi Group in 2013


  • Without the losses of the Israel Corp., the net return on equity reached 9%.
  • Total income increased by 5.7% and amounted to NIS 12.9 billion ($3.7 billion).

  • The ratio of credit loss expenses was 0.11% - the lowest in the banking system.

  • The Bank's workforce decreased by 687 employees, from the beginning of 2012 (when the efficiency program was launched) until the end of 2013.

  • Leumi is raising the target of the 3-year efficiency program (2012-2014) to 1,000 employees, and by the end of 2014 the Bank's workforce will decrease by an additional 300 employees.

  • For the first time in years, a decrease in salary expenses in 2013.

  • Operating and other expenses decreased by 1.8% and amounted to NIS 8,933 million ($2,574 million).