The Leumi Group's Q2/09 Financial Statements
Net profit of NIS 936 million ($238.8 million) for Leumi in the first half of 2009
Net profit of of NIS 507 million ($129.4 million) in the second quarter of 2009
Net profit in the first half of 2009 amounted to NIS 936 million ($238.8 million), and NIS 507 million ($129.4 million) in the second quarter.
- Net return on equity in the first half of 2009: 10.2% (on an annual basis) and in the second quarter 2009: 11.1% (on an annual basis).
- The capital adequacy ratio reached 12.85%, of which Tier I Capital is 8.08%.
- Operating and other expenses decreased by 7.3%, to NIS 3,204 million ($817.6 million), primarily as a result of a reduction in salary expenses.
- In order to improve the capital adequacy ratio, the Bank issued from the beginning of the year various types of subordinated capital notes in the amount of some NIS 5 billion ($1.3 billion), of which some NIS 2.5 billion ($640 million) was issued in the past month.