The Leumi Group's Q2/10 Financial Statements
Net Profit of NIS 1.256 billion ($324 million) in the first half of 2010
Compared with NIS 936 million ($241.6 million) in the first half of 2009, an increase of 34.2%
Net profit of NIS 660 million ($170.3 million) in the second quarter of 2010
Compared with NIS 507 million ($130.8 million) in second quarter of 2009, an increase of 30.2%
- Net operating profit amounted to NIS 1,070 million ($276.1 million) in the first half of 2010, and NIS 478 million ($123.3 million) in the second quarter of 2010
- Net return on equity: 11.5% for the first half of 2010 (on an annual basis) and 12.1% for the second quarter of 2010 (on an annual basis)
- Leumi's Board of Directors in its meeting on 30.8.2010 approved the distribution of a dividend of NIS 500 million in respect of profits for the first half of 2010. The dividend distribution is subject to approval by the General Meeting of the Bank
- The capital adequacy ratio at the end of the first half of 2010, after payment of the dividend, reached 14.78% of which Core Tier I capital was 8.52%
- There was continued credit growth: credit to the public increased by 3.8% in relation to the end of 2009 and amounted to NIS 212.5 billion ($54.8 billion)