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Leumi in the Community

Leumi Promotes Israeli Art and Artists

Leumi has set itself the goal of supporting young Israeli artists while at the same time promoting original Israeli art.


Within the framework of its activity, Leumi supports the future generation, and out of the desire to provide young Israeli artists with the opportunity to break into public awareness and make a debut in the world of art, the bank has chosen to take the promotion of Israeli art in general under its auspices.


Accordingly, the bank is participating in various projects that provide artists with a platform and the opportunity to showcase their work. At its visitor and art center the “Leumi Mani House” Leumi exhibits a wide selection of Israeli works of art by hosting temporary exhibitions. 


The “Mani House" was one of the first buildings in the Ahuzat Bayit neighborhood, the forerunner of the city of Tel Aviv. Purchased by Bank Leumi in 1986, this unique building was originally built in 1910 and was home to the family of the honorable judge Malkiel Mani.


Located adjacent to Leumi’s head office, the building underwent restoration in 2008 and was converted into the existing visitors and arts center, serving as an open house venue for Israeli art and artists.


The center houses a permanent display which, through a range of media, recounts the story of Leumi within the history of the State of Israel, from its inception until today. In addition, the adjacent gallery hosts temporary art exhibitions. 


The center is open to the public, and entrance is free of charge:

Leumi Bet Mani House – Visitors and Arts Center
36 Yehuda Halevy Street
Tel Aviv
Hours of Operation are: Sun-Wed 10:00-17:00, Thurs 10:00-21:00 and Fri 10:00-14:00

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Leumi Mani House
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Gilit Fisher
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Gil Yefman
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Ruth Shlos
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Henry Shelesnyak